Delroy Alexander

Delroy Alexander is a founding director and current chairman of Sacred Sports Foundation (SSF), which is based in St. Lucia and uses physical activity as a catalyst for youth development in the Caribbean. For over a decade, SSF has been working with the disability’s community as part of a comprehensive inclusion programme.

Delroy is an Advisory Board Member of the International Safeguarding Children in Sport Initiative – a UNICEF initiative. He is an expert member of the Common Goal/UEFA child safeguarding in sport consortium committee for NGOs.

He was recognised in February 2018, by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as the 16th Commonwealth Point of Light Awardee in honour of “his exceptional service leading sports for development programmes for disadvantaged young people across the Caribbean”

Delroy also represents SSF on the board of the Coalition of Civil Society Organisations in St. Lucia and is a member of the Caribbean Policy Development Centre’s (CPDC) regional Caribbean Civil Society Consultative Working Group (CCWG).

Delroy has significant international experience and is a former Member of the Global Advisory Board of the Academy for International Sport at George Mason University in Washington and a past Chairman of the International Ambassadors Advisory Committee for the International Alliance for Youth Sports.

He has worked as a leading journalist in the UK, US and Caribbean and is currently a crisis media relations consultant for several Caribbean Governments.

A former award winning investigative business journalist for the Chicago Tribune – specialising in business and management practice. He has worked as a media consultant all over the world including the US, Caribbean, North Africa, Eastern Europe and the UK.

He is an ardent sports enthusiast and a lifelong supporter of Liverpool FC. Delroy worked closely in developing local sports and is a former international liaison and team manager for the St. Lucia national football programme.