Dr. Jennifer Rouse

Dr. Jennifer Rouse is a Gerontologist by profession. She attended the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) during the years 1996 to 2004 where she completed a double major in Social Work and Africana Studies, and graduated with a Baccalaureate degree (cum laude) in May 1998.
In August 2001, Dr. Rouse graduated with her Master’s degree in Policy Sciences, with the area of concentration in Ageing Issues; and in 2004, she graduated with her Doctorate in Public Policy in Ageing Issues. Her doctoral thesis is entitled: A Case Study in Ageing Policy in Trinidad and Tobago: the Role of Interest Groups in Defining New Policy Initiatives.
In August 2003, Dr. Rouse relocated to Trinidad to assume duties as the country’s first Director of the Division of Ageing, in the former Ministry of Social Development, until August 2018. Dr. Rouse was appointed as Part-time Lecturer in Social Gerontology at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine in 2004, where she continues to lecture.