Naomi Rogers

Ms. Rogers was born in March 1918 and attended Success R.C. School in Success Village, Laventille.  From there she attended Calvary R.C. School where, at aged 14, she apprenticed as a Monitor after completing 7th Standard.  In 1936, following the completion of some teaching courses, she was appointed as a Pupil Teacher at Belmont Girls’ R.C. School and earned her first salary at $8.00 monthly.  She stayed at Belmont for three or four years before being sent to Newtown Boys’ R.C. School. In 1943, Ms. Rogers passed the Teachers’ Certificate programme and in 1948, was accepted at Teachers’ Training College and successfully completed their one year programme.  Within that span, she was transferred to Mucurapo Girls’ R.C. School at which she served in the Infants’ Department for 31 years.  She retired as Vice-Principal of Mucurapo Girls’ in 1974.  In the early 1980’s until the mid-1990’s, Ms. Rogers offered lessons classes at her home and ably assisted numerous children with the successful completion of their primary school education at Common Entrance and Post-Primary Exam levels. She has also enjoyed her retirement by reading and travelling extensively to various countries.  Ms. Rogers, currently 103 years of age, remains in very good health and sound mind, stays abreast of current affairs and exercises at least three times weekly.