Yvonne Lewis

Yvonne Lewis is the current Coordinator of the Masters in Education – Health Promotion, and has been a lecturer on the MEd- Health Promotion and the Masters in Public Health programs at UWI, St. Augustine Campus for over ten (10) years. She is the former Director, Health Education Division of the Ministry of Health, Trinidad and Tobago with over 25 years experience in education and health promotion in the public sector.   Ms. Lewis served as a member of the World Health Organisation’s Expert Committee on Health Promotion, the Pan American Health Organisation’s Partners Forum for action on NCDs in Latin America and the Caribbean, the National Advisory Committee on Education in Trinidad and Tobago (2017-2020), and several Cabinet Appointed Committees addressing issues in the Health and Education sectors.

Ms. Lewis holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics/Medical Physics, a Post Graduate Diploma in Health Education/Health Promotion, a Masters degree in Education, and qualified as an Expert in Public Health with PAHO.  Her research interests have focused on health of women and children, behavioural approaches to noncommunicable diseases prevention and control and community led action on social determinants of health. She led the development of several national policies including the Health Promoting School Policy; and the Prohibition of Sale or Offering of Sugar Sweetened Beverages in Schools in Trinidad and Tobago and participated in the development of the HFLE Policy, the Tobacco Control Act (2009) and the National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases: Trinidad and Tobago 2017 – 2021.